Monday, May 23, 2005

The Best Film in the World Ever

I shit you not - having had 3 full days of lying in bed aching like a mo-fo, accidentally overdosing on Lemsip!!! and watching nuff wicked films (Tennenbaums, Eternal Sunshine, Coming to America, Amelie, White Girls and Anchorman) anyway I get to Sunday night and I finally feel better so I'm like 'sweet no drinking for 4 days I feel good lets have an early night' when the fucking club starts up downstairs - I shit you not, after about 45 minutes of bullshit fucking fashion electro and Euro drug music the DJ dropped Higher State of Conciousness into Salt n Pepper 'push it' which I'm sorry but Gill and I were doing when we were like 17. He then went on to play shit euro kack that made all the Shoreditch drug sluts scream like they were re-living their 12 year old going to a Bros concert fantasies - in fact maybe it was a new re-incarnation of the brothers Goss - anyway fuck them. So I ended up watching Wimbledon with Kirsten Dunst and some other dude and the English dude who looks like the dude from American Beauty who used to be in the program with Zoe Wannamaker about the family - anyway the fucking theme to that film is an RJD2 tune!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I couldn't believe it - then it turns out that the film is amazingly cheesy obvious love story butI fucking loved it - I am so gay and I don't even care (I'm sure that anyone that saw me dancing in the lesbian bar in a vest on my birthday could confirm that). Anyway I got to work this morning (fresh as a daisy as I'm not drinking for a while) and had this in the inbox from some forces dudes

Fans overseas serving in Baghdad

Just a quick thank you for all stress relief you've given us here in Iraq. We listen to your songs when we get really, really stressed out. The theme song of our office is now High Voltage. Keep up the great work and we'll see you at the Gay Bar!




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